Thursday, March 12, 2015

"The Silver Thread" - Performance Tonight at 7:00 PM

The final night of our conference begins with a special evening reception in the Art Gallery from 5:30 - 6:30 pm, sponsored by Dr. Stephanie A. Steplight Johnson, Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Affairs. Guests are encouraged to view "The Exquisite Corpse," the student art exhibit. Prof. Anna Muniz will be on hand to speak about the exhibit, and the student artists will also be present. 

Doors open at 6:30 pm for the closing event of our conference, "The Silver Thread." Guests will convene in the Mary B. Burch Theater for the Performing Arts for special staged reading of Joslyn Housley-McLaughlin's award-winning play will be performed by the New York City-based Liberation Theatre Company.

There will be a 30-minute talk-back with the actors after the performance.

1 comment:

  1. "The Silver Thread” is a great theater performance! I loved this show. Anyways dear, I am in the need to reserve a meeting venue. I searched for lots of meeting spaces but most of them are unfurnished. I would prefer only fully furnished meeting rooms. Can you help me guys?
